Sunday, July 06, 2003

This too shall pass.

Cranky today for a half-dozen reasons, none of them very good, which makes it worse. I've been predominantly excited for the last couple weeks, so I was bound to come down, but you're never quite ready, are you? Several people asked me this morning, "how are you" in a polite way and I tried to answer honestly, but its hard to say. "Cranky" isn't quite accurate (though it's getting more and more accurate as I cultivate this mood). I think I'm tired. Tired of work, tired of being hot, tired of being patient, tired of being dissatisfied with things, tired of caring. Told me friend Becky today that if I could just stop thinking for a week, I think I'd be okay. Told Tommy I'd like to go off to a cave somewhere (where I wouldn't get no mice stole off me either). What I need to do is stop reading books for a while up (or at least stick to fiction). I'm not sure that anything good is ever going to come of pursuing this whole "New Kind of Christian" thing. And I'm aware as I write that last sentence that I don't mean it, its just the mood I'm in. I'm also tired of complaining when I have such a fabulous life. Truly, I have nothing to complain about. Why then have I allowed myself this mood for the past day or so? The spiritual among you might suggest that I pray or read or sing a song or something, and maybe I should, but what I'm going to do is get up in the morning, clock back into work and try to live real life. My wife loves me, my dog is aware that I'm here and being well-adjusted is overrated.


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