Saturday, September 25, 2004

Hey Ma, Check this Out

Just got off the phone with Rob Knapp, the only friend left from my time in Michigan. I miss him. We played some phone tag a couple months ago and finally connected this morning for the first time in a couple years. We don't talk often enough -- I'm so lazy about stuff like that.

Rob and I spent a lot of time together when we were Freshmen and Sophomores in high school in Lansing, Michigan. Long hours spent listening to KISS and The Guess Who and playing Strat-O-Matic and blowing off Spanish homework. We were good for each other. Then in 1988 my family moved away. We're both in our thirties now and married; he with three kids and I with one en route. We've kept in touch in a kind of sporadic way, but it seems like every time we talk I realize that it's been way too long and promise myself I'll be better about it from now on. Maybe this time. You've heard that proverb about if you only have, like, four true friends, then you're doing pretty good? Well Rob's on my list and he counts for two.

At any rate, it was good to catch up, and now I have to go to work. Life does roll on, doesn't it?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rob has always been special, near and dear to my heart. Give him my love next time you talk to him. Sometimes I've neglected Margaret's friendship the way you have Rob, but when you reconnect it's always still there. That's what true friends are about. And yes, life does roll on. You were good for each other, I'll never forget the time I asked him when he needed to be home, I thought like 7:00 PM that night, and he said like "a week from Tuesday". Meaning he was spending the school break with us, and he did. Wasn't it great. Ma

9:08 AM  

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