Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Because People Keep Asking Me

Two things we know for certain about Jose Canseco: 1) He's dumber than a bag of hammers, and, 2) He's bitter at Baseball because of what he perceives as his early departure from the Majors due to racial discrimination. The latter goes a long way toward proving the former. He seems to genuinely believe that there's a conspiracy among MLB teams to keep him out of baseball (which is silly,) and that it's because he's Hispanic, (which is so far beyond silly that I'd need my thesaurus friend Ted to help me address it).

Rather than face the fact that his career is over because his skills finally slipped beyond the level required to compensate for having his personality around, he's going to try to bring baseball down with him. All he's wanted for the past four years has been for a team to keep him around long enough for him to pick up the thirty-eight homers he needs for 500, (and therefore, he thinks, the Hall Of Fame,) but no one wants him, even as a gate attraction, so he'll end up in the Darryl Strawberry "Could've Been" category, (except without any sympathy from anyone,) and you can't hold what could've been on a cold and lonely night.

That doesn't mean he's not telling the truth, it just means that he's not the most credible source. As Wilbon pointed out yesterday on P.T.I., all of Canseco's allegations may turn out to be true, but (my socially unacceptable position on steroids notwithstanding,) this book (which I have not read) sounds like a classic example of Sour Grapes.


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