Monday, July 07, 2003

Finding Freedom in the Cage

Told ya. Yesterday's post seems so whiney that I'm tempted to delete it. Something tells me Kevin wouldn't approve, so I suppose it stays. Got to be something to be said for carrying on with life when you don't feel like it. I spent the weekend wondering for the first time whether or not Home Depot was a good place for me to be (almost let meself say "productive." God, deliver me from language like that) but this morning I went anyway and hadn't been there very long when Randy wandered back to me cage and we talked. Great stuff about the emotional damage we do to one another (all of us, not me and Randy) and the value of therapy and the good a small group of people can do for one another if they'll commit to doing it. Randy pointed out something that not enough people are talking about loud enough, which is that lots (most?) of the ways in which God answers our prayers and blesses and heals and redeems us are through the people in our lives. (Here I'm tempted to say, "instead of the supernatural," but I'm not sure I buy the distinction anymore.) At any rate, relationships like I have w/Randy remind me that Home Depot 3822 is a good place for me to be right now, not because he needs anything I have, but because I need him. Lots of people there love me unconditionally (whether they'd call it that or not) while I'm still surprised when I find that among churchy people. (Maybe I haven't been transparent enough to give them a chance). At any rate, the assembling of ourselves together took place around nine this morning in a dusty 12 foot chain link cage in the back of a hardware store. Lasted about 30 minutes. Happens all the time, and I don't intend to forsake it.

Peace to you.


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