Sunday, August 10, 2003

"And Maybe I'll Find Some Peace Tonight"

I got to give “The Talk” at this morning’s meeting, and thought I’d use Sarah McLachlen’s “Angel” before I started, more to set a mood than for exegetical purposes. I wasn’t sure how many of those who were there would be familiar with the song (hey, you never know) so I had the lyrics projected up onto the screen that we sing from so folk could follow along, which they did. They also did something that I hadn’t anticipated—they started to sing along. The lyrics up there looked just like any other song we might have sung together and there wasn’t any more or less introduction than any other song gets, so they just started to sing along. From where I was sitting it sounded like more people were singing than weren’t and it felt like a prayer. I can’t quite describe how unexpected and moving the whole four minute experience was and I don’t know why I hit me so hard. What I do know is that we sang Sarah McLachlen in church today and that I could’ve died right there in my seat believing I had accomplished everything I was put on this Earth to do.


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