Thursday, July 10, 2003

New Mexico

Me friend Ted was down from Michigan this week and we got to spend some time together Tuesday. Occurred to us that we've known each other for over ten years now--hard to believe. I have a fistfull of friends whom I do not see nearly often enough to suit me, though I don't usually realize how much I miss them until we're together. Ted is one of those people. From time to time I find myself in some sort of group setting where someone will ask, "What are you looking most forward to about heaven?" The older I get the more consistently I answer, "Being able to spend the time I want to with the people who are special to me." Its an unfortunate thing that we spend most of our lives away from the people we'd like to be with (marriage takes the edge off the sadness, as does time like I'll spend tonight with Michael and Justin). Sometimes the problem is geography, sometimes schedules, sometimes just my own relational laziness. At any rate, its nice to think that maybe someday all that love will feel more immediate than it’s able to here. Maybe that's a lame thing to look forward to most about What Comes Next. Maybe I should say something about worshipping Jesus non-stop forever, or maybe I have. Wouldn't surprise me at all to find that Jesus enjoys, as much as anything else, the love for him that binds us in a love for one another and how hard those two loves are to distinguish from each other. So Ted, Jared, Josh, Shawn, Drew, Mike, Rob, love y'all. And you are so welcome here if you're ever in New Mexico.


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