Monday, February 21, 2005

Ben Folds Last Night

The Michaels and I started out at Ambar last night, which is my favorite eating place in the world -- good times. Then onto the Cintas Center, where we suffered through the opening band, ("Worldwide" or some such,) and realized that we needn't have rushed from the restaurant.

But Ben Folds was great. Just him and a bass player and a drummer. I love all of the guitar goodness in the world, but I grew up on piano-driven pop -- that's still where my heart is -- and this guy can play. Great, great show.

The only unfortunate part of the evening was when he finally began to play "Carrying Cathy," which is, at least currently, my Favorite Song in the Whole World. Played the intro and I was excited. Began to sing and I was transported; this is why I'd come.

"Her window was hung like a painting, she worried it might come to life..."


And then he stopped. Stopped singing, stopped playing. Said, "I lost my shit." Said, "What's the next line?" And he was serious. I hollered, "Stared for hours!" But we were too far away and there was too much noise. And he sat there for a couple seconds and then said, "Since I fucked it up, I'll come back to it and play it later."

But he never did.

Not enough to ruin a great evening, but a major disappointment.


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