Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Lost Blog Went Like This

Just rocked the Hoo-Hoo to sleep for his afternoon nap. That's fun. He let me sleep in 'til nearly nine this morning. Life here is good.

More from the book

There's a list here that could only have been written at an elders meeting. A little pyramid of words written inside a coffee ring:

chairs flooring
debt missions bell tower

Trying to decide what to do with money, which is a thing worth doing.

Then a line from a Groucho Marx song:

Show me a rose or leave me alone.

Probably it's funnier in the context of the intentionally overly-poetic song. I've been a Marx Brothers fan since college. It bothers my buddy Matt that I don't dig a lot of what passes for cinematic comedy these days, but you can't beat the work those guys did from 1930-37.

Then a line I must have heard on the jukebox at The Comet. (I don't go there anymore -- Monday mornings come early.)

I'm gonna sell my Cadillac and buy myself a mule
I think it's Johnny Drummer, but I don't dig The Blues enough to have pursued it any further.

After that there's some computer gibberish that probably indicates that I was talking to people trying to figure out how to buy a computer. Apparently I should have gone with the Mac Justin tried to convince me to buy then. And then a line from (what was at the time) the new Indigo Girls record:

Come on home,
The team you're hitched to has a mind of its own

I like them.

The name of a minor league baseball team (10 days 'til pitchers and catchers) whose field we used to pass on our way to visit the Gills in Pittsburgh -- the Washington Wild Things. They're much closer now -- the Gills, not the Wild Things -- and that makes me happy.

An album from Ruthie's childhood, which I finally broke down and got for her very recenlty -- Europe's The Final Countdown. She'd mentioned it in passing years ago and when I gave it to her a couple months ago she said, "I hope you didn't pay very much for this. I love her.

There's a list. I like lists.

1. e-mail Lee
2. get a paper
3. write something

1. Remember Lee?
2. I only buy a newspaper once a year, so this had to have been written in March.
3. If I'm right about #2, what I wrote must've looked like this.

I wrote myself a note to ask Drew about Luke, which I suppose I did, and then I quoted somthing a lady at work had said. I don't remember the context now, but she'd received some attention -- probably an Associate of the Month award or something -- and wasn't sure what to do with it. She said,

"I feel famous -- like Steve Martin."

Now, without my saying anything about her age, the fact that in the Spring of 2004 Steve Martin was her frame of reference for celebrity dates her and was downright endearing.

And because Life is like this, you turn the page and it gets heavy again. Rebecca asked:

How can you teach someone something that only God can teach them?"

And then I, in preparation for one of those talks I used to give, spewed up a fragment of a very long sentence:

revivalistic emotinalism and religious ritualism that sometimes border on superstition and an individualistic, behavior-oriented approach to God/faith that makes me and "how I'm doing" (my "growth") the center of things

(Yeah, I have issues.)

That one I ended up using.

I also followed it (in the book at least) with:

I am in as much danger of missing the point as anyone

Probably that's enough of the book for now. Two P.S.'s, three more things:

1. Have we talked about the acoustic version of Alanis Morissette's Jagged Little Pill? It's incredible.

2. I love Vienna Teng.

3. My computer sucks. It's taken me days to get this published.


Blogger theinferno said...

the storm lullaby song...

so, when i was watching the hoo hoo a couple of weeks ago...that song came on...and i cried lots. your son is neat and vienna tang has beautiful music. good combination, i say.

11:45 PM  
Blogger Andrew Gill said...

ah...the final countdown...now that brings back some somewhat clouded memories...sitting on butch's couch, watching mtv, eating stale pieces of white bread late at night...thinking, 'wow, these guys are deep :)

9:03 AM  

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