Monday, September 04, 2006

Random Observations

**Don't go around pissing off wild animals.
**Regarding Pluto: "Planet" is a made up word.
**This kid can play.
**Ordered David Sedaris tix yesterday -- very, very excited. (Thanks Ma!)
**Never, ever complain about my cat again.
**Currently reading, A Summons to Memphis, by Peter Taylor. So far, so good.
**Planning to catch Barry Bonds at the Great American Ball Park twice this week. Maybe our last chance to see him play in person.
**I'll be there for you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan A
Regarding Pluto:
I remember reading an account concerning paleontologists who had thought that a certain type of dinosaur had weird nose-thing like a rhino horn. But then one day, they up and change their mind and say it was a thumb. I thought, "I guess you just get to change the rules if you're in charge." Some day, somebody's gonna change the definition of 'up' to 'down' and he's gonna be king. Y2K will have nothing on that guy.

3:22 PM  
Blogger um... yeah... said...

i LOVE the video of that cat. it simutaneously cracks me up and freaks me out! awesome.

10:32 PM  

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